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Today, when we talk of entertainment, we usually think of the cinema, television, video, drama, dance discotheques, concerts and the like. These are the forms of entertainment, which we know and are found in our cities, towns and villages.
    In the past, entertainment took he storytelling, drumming and dancing, outdoor and indoor games, puzzles and riddles. Do you know any of these forms of entertainments? In those days, parents normally told interesting stories to their children on moonlights. In some communities, parents still do. From these stories the children learn a lot of things about the culture of people. They also learn the idioms and the proverbs in their language.
    In the past, entertainment was not expensive; most of the things needed to make it possible were obtained free of charge in the community. Today, however, some kinds of entertainment require special machines and buildings. These sophisticated devices make them dear.
    There are people who entertain others for money. These are professional entertainers. Many of us know how it costs to go to the pictures watch a video or go a discotheque. Communities which do not have these forms of entertainment organise other types which are simple and less expensive.
    The body needs rest, but too much of is bad. Some people want to spend all their time enjoying themselves and relaxing when they have not done any work. They run away to watch films. Others go to places of entertainment in the evening. They spend so much time there that they often have very little time for sleep. This may be bad for both their health as well as their wealth. Remember that the main purpose of entertainment is to make us relax and enjoy ourselves after a hard day’s work. It is not to make us tired to do our work.

English for Secondary Schools


Puzzles and riddles: enigmas et devinettes.
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