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Corruption (From Emile KAHOUN, Lycee Yadéga, Ouahigouya)

We don't know whether corruption is getting worse, but we do know it is no longer tolerated as it was.
These words of a public official reflect growing international concern over ribes and corrupt practices, following a rising tide of scandals and mounting evidence in many countries of popular disgust with corrupt individuals and institutions.
In fact, no one knows how much corruption there is in the business world or to what extent it may be increasing. Many analysts say it is probably growing with the world economy, the interplay of economic and political factors and increased global competition.
Bribery and kickbacks have become common practice in former communist countries as a consequence of their embracing free enterprise without being historically prepared for it by a relevant political and legal framework. The spread of democracy may itself create new incentives for corruption, given the need to find political parties and election campaigns . If Third World countries are often blamed for the spread of corruption, developed nations must take their share of responsibility and blame, as the corruptors are also corporations fighting for contracts in military supplies, aircraft, civil works and communications.
Today, international bodies are beginning to take steps to curb corruption, and the World Bank has instituted rules that empower it to investigate corruption complaints and to blacklist companies and governments guilty of large scale corruption.

English for Business Economic by Michel Marcheteau et al...


1) According to the author, the spread of democracy my bring corruption. Do you agree ? If yes, explain. If no, explain. (4 Points)
2) According to the text, the developed nations should take their share of responsibility and blame. Why ? (2 Points)
3) There is too much corruption in the business world according to the author. hy, explain. (5 Points)
4) What solutions will you propose in order to reduce corruption in Africa ? (5points)


1) Pourront-ils éradiquer la corruption ?
2) S'il n'y avait pas de corruption, la vie serait meilleure.
3) Je viens juste de rencontrer ton ami.
4) As-tu vu Fatim hier ?

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