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Politics and Fashion

There is an unwritten fashion code in Nigeria: politicians must discard their foreign dresses the minutes they assume office. The only exception to the rule is the men from the south-east where the traditional dress is mainly a wrapper around the waist.
Fashion in Nigerian politics is a matter of national pride and clearly a reflection of the taste of different politicians. A Nigerian politician from either the north or the southwest will rarely be found these days wearing Western dress: it's not taboo, but it's a matter of dignity. In Nigeria f Western dress is for businessmen and young people.
Although the male traditional dress used to be an uninspiring and cumbersome big robe, modern designers have turned it into a relatively smart and colourful outfit with intricate embroidery on the back and front. Ladies' dresses consisting of a blouse and a wrapper, topped with headgear of course.
Few Nigerians with a public profile could have been described as worse dressers than General Olesegun Obasanjo, but that was before he decided to go into politics. Today President Obasanjo is counted among the fashion pacesetters in the country.

Sola Odunfa, BBC Focus on Africa, July - September 2004, page 18
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