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"My mom said she learned how to swim. Someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. That's how she learned how to swim. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim.'"--Paula Poundstone

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Schools and Jobs in the Big Cities (From Mr NANA, Provincial High School of Kaya)

I am deeply disturbed by the implications that widespread Unemployment among the youth of our big cities, has for the future of our Society.
Although the causes of Juvenile delinquency are complex and there is no one solution , employment opportunities are clearly important .
A youth who has dropped out of school and never has had a full time job is likely to be anti -social and rebellious if he has been frustrated . As a matter of fact, he may well become a juvenile delinquent. The adverse influence of the street is largely a consequence of gangs of such youths , out of school and Unemployed .
I doubt if anyone familiar with slums would deny that, if all the male youth by some miracle were to find employment, the social climate would change dramatically for the better. Some juvenile delinquents could remain , gangs might not wholly disappear , but the attitude of the neighbourhood would alter in such a way to make more effective the teacher in very classroom.
Unemployment is bad anywhere. Adult unemployment, especially in rural areas, towns and small cities, is grievous because it usually involves the loss of support for an entire family. In such cases, one might say that solving the unemployment of adults is the top priority. But in the slums of the largest cities, the reverse is true. The great need is for reduction of unemployment of male youth under twenty-one.


Unemployment = chômage
Slums = taudis, bidonvilles

1) What are, according to the author, the two main causes of juvenile delinquency ?
2) Why is there adult unemployment in rural areas ?
3) What could be done in order to prevent or suppress juvenile delinquency?

Translate into French :
From : “A youth who has dropped…” down to "…. Out of school and unemployed."

III – ESSAY (6 pts)
Is it possible to give jobs to all the youths in our country ? Why or why not ? (Justify your answer(s) with real

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