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Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.Think how really precious is the time you have to spend,whether it's at work or with your family.Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.~ Earl Nightingale ~

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Should Prostitution be Legalized?

As an increasing number of prostitutes are being subject to beatings, rape and even murder, feminist groups are becoming more active in calling for the legalisation of prostitution. However, governments worldwide are still failing to respond to these calls and the issue has not acquired an important place on political agendas.
There are certainly a number of arguments to justify the legalisation of prostitution. Firstly it offers increased protection for prostitutes in a number of ways.
A prostitute is an easy target for a sexual attack, given that she is involved in an illegal activity. Therefore, she will be afraid to report a rape or a beating to the police, in case she is imprisoned or will have to pay a huge fine.
Legalising prostitution could mean that prostitutes will be encouraged to report any attacks on them and this could in turn help police to identify previously unknown sex offenders.
Secondly prostitution would eventually cease to become an underground activity. Prostitutes could take time to observe and select clients rather than making rash, on-the-spot decisions on a street sidewalk. No longer fearing police harassment, clients would probably be more willing to allow themselves to be checked out. This increases a prostitute's chances of selecting a genuine client rather than some stalker out to prey on a vulnerable helpless woman.
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