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Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.Think how really precious is the time you have to spend,whether it's at work or with your family.Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.~ Earl Nightingale ~

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Social Justice

Social justice is a concept that has been considered since ancient times and has been advocated and promised by all religions, regimes and social sects. Only with social justice is it possible to establish a well-organized and systematic society without any hatred or grudge among its individuals and classes?
Social justice means that everyone gets his due in proportion to his work, knowledge, talents and success, and none is misused or exploited-social justice means to recognize the right to live; even for a person who does the least amount of work. It is a primary requirement of social justice that each working individual shall reach a minimum living standard.
Social justice does not mean social equality. It would not be justice but injustice for everybody to have the same income, just as it is for all the students in a class, whether, successful or not, to pass their courses. Neither in nature nor in society, nor elsewhere does absolute equality exist.
Juridical equality means to apply the same treatment to people in the same cases and conditions. It is both unnecessary and impracticable to look for or to desire social and especially economic equality, since it does not conform to the concept of justice. The point under consideration is not how to divide and distribute the existing stock according to the number of heads, but how to provide the conditions for working and earning for everyone equally and to ensure that everybody shall receive his due.

ITHBAT AN-NUBUWWA The Proof of Prophethood.
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