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Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.Think how really precious is the time you have to spend,whether it's at work or with your family.Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.~ Earl Nightingale ~

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Hijacking, kidnapping hostages have become today news items just like the old murders of children, the rapes of young girls or women.
Certainly all these acts express the same thing: violence. But can we qualify every act of violence terrorism?
Terrorism can be defined as the use of violence to solve problems of different natures. It is a kind of violence that is frequent in Asia, America and in Europe. Terrorists view their actions as a fight for justice. They are well organized and work on networks. Their actions or attempts can be caused by one person or a group of persons for some reasons.
The latter can originate from politics, economy or society itself. The lack of true democracy in a state can beget terrorism. An example of this is the case of Spain where the terrorists used threat, kidnapping hostages to get the liberation of their terrorist friends in jail. In addition to the political cause, terrorism can also be brought by a lack or a failure of transmitting true educational values to the children, tomorrow's men. As a result of this, there is a need for the parents, for the authorities in charge of the education system in every country to teach school boys and girls the virtues of human life. Children should be equipped with respect, friendship, love for the human being, for the people of all races and different ethnic groups. Inculcating children such qualities and attitudes may be a step towards the fight against terrorism in the world.

Adapted from Gerard CHALAND Terrorism Strategies Edition BROUWER.
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