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Baccalaureate Oral Exam 2009: Series A4-A5   

The Ideal Teacher

An ideal teacher is a friend as well as a teacher to his students. A good teacher should also be a good friend. In the classroom, he looks grave and solemn but he is a man of sweet and soft temper. He sometimes appears rather old and sometimes young and bright but he is always active and alert. He is liked and respected by all who know him. When he finds any of his students lazy, he admonishes him, for he wants them all to do their work satisfactorily. He explains the lessons in much detail and does his best to answer any questions possibly raised by his students. He is indeed a patient man; he continues to explain his students the points that they do not understand until they are perfectly familiar with their lessons. He takes great trouble in correcting papers, and is very strict in giving marks. In the classroom, he always keeps the dignity of a teacher.
But outside the classroom, he becomes the students' best friend. He is an adviser to the clubs organized by the students, and also helps them manage their sport teams. When a student is in trouble, he comforts him and tries to help the latter solve any problems he may have.
A good teacher should not only mind the academic work of his students but should also encourage them to take part in sports and games so as to keep themselves fit. He always set a good example himself so as to influence his students.
The teaching profession has many responsibilities, yet it is full of hardship. Personally, when I am grown up, I will engage in educational activities, that is, I shall be a teacher myself, for education is full of life.
The students you teach are like fruit-trees you plant. It is very interesting to plant trees and to see them sprout, grow leaves, put forth flowers and bear fruits. In like manner, it is a great spiritual comfort to think that you are contributing an important and useful part to the future of your country. For this reason, I find the work of teachers both interesting and hopeful and I will become an ideal teacher so as to tend the younger generation on the path of knowledge.

"What Makes an Ideal Teacher", www.language.123, March 24th , 2008.
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