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The Responsibility of Journalism Today

Greeting the 10th Newspaper Day/ I extend my sincerest appreciation to our journalists who have been endeavouring to lay a sound basis for the development of Korean journalism.
We live in an age of mass communications, and it is said that our daily life without newspapers cannot be imagined.
Since newspaper, in any county in any society, obviously exert profound influence on the formation of consciousness, modes of thing king, of actions and view of values among its
Readership, it may not be too much to say that they are our companions, comrades, and teachers in our daily life.

Due to its historical background and environment, Korean journalism, in displaying its function as companion, comrade, and teacher for our people, has established brilliant traditions the like of which can hardly be found in other countries. During the past half century, leader’s role in enlightening and awakening the masses. It was our journalism which lifted high the torch of modernisation when feudal darkness still shrouded the nation, which hoisted high the banner of resistance against alien aggressors; and which set up a roar of opposition against dictatorship.

There are no adequate words to praise fully the glorious achiements of our journalism, which in a period of ordeals and sufferings caused by feudal bondage, alien rule and tyranny, showed the nation the path to survival, symbolised the will of our race, and presented its opinions while acting as the wanguard in our independence battle, and as the standard-bearer in the struggle for civil rights.
These achievements saw their consummation when our journalism sublimated into the April 19 Revolution the people’s antagonisms against dictatorial rule.

Unfortunately, however, corruption gradually into journalism in the wake of the students revolution, when the freedom and the dignity of Korean press were at their height.
Would-be newspapers and would-be journalist came out in rapid succession, posing great danger to time journalism in this country.

Park Chung Hee. Major Speeches



1°) In your own words, tell what journalism is what makes it praiseworthy in the text?
2°) Do you agree that ‘our daily life without newspapers cannot be imagined? Justify you answer. (3pts)
3°) Are you for or against a free press? Justy you answer (about 10 lines).(4pts)
4°) On the basis of your experience, can journalist be assimilated to ‘’ praisesingers’’ (I) ? (About 10lines) (4pts)

II B. / TRANSLATION   (6pts)

Translate into French from "there are no adequate words…" down to  "’"

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