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The Third World Debt (From Mr NANA, Provincial High School of Kaya)

The Third World Debt has already cost them two goats, a pig and a child.
They were farmers.
They grew vegetables.
They even had a few animals.
Their government had to put up prices to help pay its debt.
The price of seed went up ten times.
They could not afford to grow enough to eat.
They had to sell their animals
They had to sell their land.
Their son became ill.
They could not afford the medicine.
They could not even afford a headstone for his grave.
They suffer, like millions of others, because of the Third World Debt
They cannot change the situation on their own.
They need you to write to your bank.
They need you to write to your MP.
They need your help a lot more than British banks need their money

#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #f_syc9 #eef77 #020614063440