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Women In Africa’s Development

In Africa, women represent 51 percent of the population and can be found in all different professions and branches of activity. Although their contributions may not be officially recognized, it is undeniable that their role is critical to the economic development of their respective countries.

Between 60 and 80 percent of all agricultural labour in undertaken by women, who are found all along the fond chain. The African woman sows, reaps, transports, processes, and sells the food. At least women provide 50 percent of food production is provided by women. Women start working from childhood and contribute until the day when they are too tired to do so. In the rural areas women work even when they are pregnant, up until the time of birth, because it is they who must satisfy the basic needs of their families.

Women are the pillars of Africa’s economy development. In the rural areas there is virtually no development if women do not participate fully for the simple reason that they are the ones who produce the food crops. They also play a very important role in the production of cash crops in some countries. In the villages, in addition to the fact that they cultivate the land, African women also participate in community life.

They are responsible for domestic work---care of the house and the family--- as well as production of domestic articles---mats, baskets, cooking utensils and the preparation of beverages, which are secondary sources of revenue in rural areas…

Women are poorly represented in the services, particularly in the public sector, apart from health and education where specialized personnel represent more than half the labor force. Women have access to higher positions in the upper echelons of administration and often make valuable contributions to the conception and planning of projects, they remain a minority because of limited access to training. Participation of women in the private sector is practically non-existent and businesses visibly discriminate against women despite the existing legislation.
Women who work in private enterprises are mainly secretaries, sales-women, or office workers.

Extracted from TOPIC ssue N° 161-p.14


1-    What are the main activities of women in Africa, according to the text (2pts)
2-    Why according to you: ‘’participation of women in the private sector is practically non-existent and businesses visibly discriminate against women despite the existing legislation’’? (3pts).
3-    Do you think that emancipation is possible for rural African women? Why? (4pts)
4-    Translate into French the Thirds paragraph (6pts)
5-    What can be the contribution of men to the active participation of women in decision-making, and what should the role of women in modern Africa today? 15-20 lines (5ps)

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